Doggy Digital


I am a dog-loving, digital marketing fanatic with over 18 years of experience. I help businesses serving dog owners increase their online visibility and find new customers.
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About Me
With over 18 years of experience in e-commerce, digital marketing, and sales communication, I have focused my expertise on supporting organisations within the dog service and product industries. My role has involved developing brand identities, crafting effective digital marketing strategies, and facilitating the growth of successful online businesses.

This professional journey has allowed me to collaborate with a community of dedicated individuals who are making significant contributions to the well-being of dogs and their owners. I am committed to leveraging my skills and knowledge to assist these organisations in achieving their goals, thereby enhancing the lives of both pets and their families.

It has been a fulfilling experience to contribute to this sector, and I look forward to continuing to support the advancement and success of businesses in the dog industry.

David - Founder


18+ Years Of Experience

I have been involved with business development and digital marketing for over 18 years. I've watched the internet develop into what it is today, and am passionate about helping others.

Industry Knowledge

The dog care sector has benefited from my knowledge, passion, and approach, as it has enabled individuals to better align their efforts, attract more clients, and establish a prosperous future for themselves and their loved ones.

Track Record of Success

I have an impressive track record of success, with a portfolio of satisfied clients who have experienced remarkable growth thanks to my digital marketing efforts.

What Make Us Different From Others

Creating visually appealing and functional websites is not just a job, it's a passion that I take great pride in.

Seeing the happiness on clients' faces when they view their new website is a feeling that cannot be beat, and it motivates me to continue developing my skills in digital marketing.

As I have a natural talent for it, I am able to create unique and dynamic websites with ease, allowing me to produce great work time and time again.

I view website design as a creative outlet, rather than a mundane task, and I cherish the opportunity to share my passion and skills with those working with dogs.
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