Doggy Digital

Case Study

Critical Impact K9 Supplies

CIK9 Website
Tactical Gear
West Yorkshire
Home » Case Studies » Critical Impact K9 Supplies

Introducing Critical Impact K9 Supplies – a family-owned venture led by Sam & Ellen Barraclough. Fuelled by necessity and a passion for flyball, their journey began with a family of six with twelve dogs between them, seeking affordable yet durable collars, leads, tuggies, and clothing.

Racing the indomitable Jess, they recognised the financial strain of frequently replacing gear.

Enter the turning point: their acquisition of an Industrial Sewing Machine, initially for repairs. But the desire for more propelled them. As flyball's grip tightened, they discerned ways to enhance product longevity. From these roots emerged Critical Impact K9 Supplies, now equipped with specialised Industrial Sewing Machines.

Their mission? To offer visually captivating, top-tier products that stand the test of time.

Sam Barraclough

The Challenge

It was evident that they had ambitious goals, yet their existing EKM platform fell short of meeting their requirements for growth and innovation. While their aspirations were clear, their existing toolkit was limited, lacking the comprehensive capabilities they needed.

The urgency for a seamless transition to a more adaptable and scalable solution was undeniable. The company's vision was resolute: they aimed to establish a dynamic ecommerce store capable of winning over customers' hearts and setting the stage for future expansion.

Our mission encompassed turning this vision into reality by addressing critical concerns, including mobile optimisation, SEO enhancement, and a holistic improvement of the user experience. Simultaneously, the company sought to lay the groundwork for an affiliate system, a strategic move to create alliances and significantly extend their market reach. Although the challenges were substantial, our team was eager to fashion a solution that would not only fulfill expectations but exceed them.

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Our suggestion was to develop a WooCommerce website that would serve as a platform to showcase their high-quality, long-lasting products.

The following steps were taken;

Migrating to WooCommerce

The initial challenge was migrating the company's online store from EKM to WooCommerce. Recognising the need for a more flexible and scalable platform, we meticulously executed the transition to WooCommerce. This strategic move laid the groundwork for the company's future expansion by offering greater customisation options, advanced functionality, and seamless integrations.

Mobile Optimisation

Understanding the increasing significance of mobile users in the ecommerce landscape, we prioritised mobile optimisation. By employing responsive design principles, we ensured that the new WooCommerce store provided an impeccable user experience across a range of devices. This mobile-friendly approach not only improved accessibility but also contributed to higher conversion rates, allowing customers to shop conveniently on-the-go.

Better SEO Features

A crucial aspect of the migration was enhancing the company's online visibility through search engine optimisation. We meticulously optimised product pages, meta descriptions, and site structure to align with best SEO practices. This resulted in improved organic search rankings and higher visibility in search engine results pages, ultimately driving more organic traffic to the website.

Affiliate & Gift Voucher System

Recognising the company's desire to amplify its reach and sales, we designed and implemented a custom affiliate system. This system allowed the company to collaborate with influencers and partners, leveraging their networks to promote products and drive sales.

Achievements and Results

In the face of ambitious aspirations, the company was contending with the restrictions of their existing EKM platform. Misaligned with their growth ambitions and the need for a technological uplift, the company envisioned a leading-edge ecommerce platform that would captivate their audience and provide a strong base for potential future growth.

Seamless Transition to Greater Potential

The company embarked on a transformation journey, which was not just a mere platform switch but a complete transformation . A notable highlight was the rise in the click-through rate from 3.3% to a commendable 8.5%, signifying an increase in audience engagement and a renewed interest in the website's content and offerings.

Search Engine Supremacy

The new platform brought along a marked enhancement in the website's visibility on search engines. This growing online footprint is paving the way for a broader organic reach and potential expansion of the customer base.

Technical Advancements

Beyond the evident changes, the technical backbone of the website witnessed a significant overhaul. Enhanced indexability on Google ensures greater accessibility and visibility to a wider audience. Meanwhile, the integration of the affiliate system, although in its initial stages, promises expansive market outreach and burgeoning business alliances.

User Experience Transformed

The transformation left no stone unturned, with the front-end user experience receiving a substantial uplift. With optimal mobile responsiveness, refined SEO strategies, and an overall improved user interface, the site stands as a modern, efficient, and user-friendly platform.

Client Empowerment

A pivotal change post-transition is the empowerment bestowed upon the client. They now command a heightened control over the website's design, features, and functionalities. This autonomy translates to agility, enabling the client to introduce new elements, adapt existing features, and seamlessly pivot their content and marketing strategies in tune with evolving digital trends.


The path to transformation, though fraught with challenges, has been a resounding success. The early results signal the immense potential inherent in this new platform.

The company's vision, paired with our unwavering commitment, has ensured that the groundwork for future expansion isn't just established but is already showing considerable promise.

Looking to improve your online store?

If you're finding yourself in a situation where your current ecommerce site isn't meeting your needs, much like Critical Impact K9 Supplies, we're here to offer our expertise.

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